5 min readMar 13, 2022


RYU developer diary – March 13th 2022

Hello Ryu fam, it’s time for our second developers diary. Despite the goings on behind the scenes, we felt it was crucial that we stuck with our developer diary’s as a way to show the issue is being resolved and we are going to bounce back better than ever!

What happened?

This was by far the most intense, stressful week for the RYU team to date. So what happened? On March the 9th our project was unfortunately the victim of an attack. a heartless criminal took it upon themselves to drain the $nRYU token and sell it on the market, dumping the token price to 0. This was possible due to the fact the token contract was left in the wrong hands after launch along with the ERC-721 contract. The criminal was able to use his ownership as an advantage to simply take the funds and add them to his own wallet.

What did we do?

The second that the Ryu team was alerted to the issue, everyone hit action stations. We were so overwhelmed with the amount of incredible people that offered to assist in getting to the bottom of the situation. The Ryu community and the surrounding Avalanche projects have proved over the past few days how strong we can be if we work as a team.

We spent countless hours over voice chat with several developers of other projects as well as our own, fishing through snowtrace to find the culprit. We are pleased to announce that we found the criminal in question and have alerted the authorities to the situation. A lot of time was also spent looking through all the V1 contracts examining in great detail, what could of happened and why. As we hope the community can now see that due to an incredible team, and incredible likeminded community we were able to quickly resolve and respond keeping everyone up to date and clear about our next steps.

Words from TOB (developer/advisor), So far there’s been a testnet airdrop of RYU NFTs to make sure everything looks correct before we release on mainnet. There’s also been a snapshot for the v2 token allocations. This weekend both the NFT airdrop and the token airdrop are being QA’d by a handful of people to make sure everything looks correct. And any issues are being logged to get addressed ASAP.

PM perspective

This week… oh boy what a week. It started off preparing for breeding, finalizing details of phase three, coordinating the timelines for upcoming partnerships… and then it took a turn.

The first set of messages that came said, $nRYU was -99.99%, then the next bunch of messages came through saying “how can we help” and “we are here to support you”. As we learned more and more by the hour and dove into the scene ofthe crime, we began to piece it all together

This week has undoubtedly been my hardest week as a PM thus far, but also my biggest week of learning. I learned that when you get knocked down, there is no shame in asking for a hand. And in the Avalanche community, there are so many people ready to lend you that helping hand. I'm grateful for each and every community member that reached to me and my team during this stressful time.

Progress elsewhere

Before the $nRYU theft, the team were busy working on other parts of the project. Following on from the previous diary, the team working on the $nRYU-gRYU staking had come to a conclusion that it was possible to achieve both gas efficiency as well as simplicity (simple is good, simple is safe) to some degree and started making more progress in that field.

Below you will find the new gRYU logo along with a piece of code sent from the developers of the gRYu staking contract.

gRYU logo
$nRYU-gRYU staking code

As you may have seen progress is also being made on the website front, although its not crucial, you can see that the team is working to make the Ryu project stand out from the rest.

New website under development

Now that some time has passed, I think its time we announce what this image is??

Generation 2 dragon

This is the first look at the Generation two dragons. as you can see by its designs and colours an incredible amount of work has gone into each and every piece of this dragon, this quality doesn't stop here, every generation two dragon will be just as amazing as this one. This is just the beginning. below you will also find our first official piece of Generation 2 utility items. If this isn't exciting I don't know what is!

Head layer: fire crown

This is all we have for now. We hope you enjoyed the read and are as excited as we are for the Relaunch of RYU! We hope by now you can see that the RYU team is here to stay and no matter what circumstance or pressure we are put under we will always come out on top.

On behalf of the RYU team I would like to thank you first and foremost for all the support you have shown through this miner bump in the road. The appreciation I am feeling for what you have all shown is beyond words. From the team behind RYU we thank you for your co-operation and patience. lets make it together!!!





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